Introducing Tags (New Pro feature)



These days, the music industry is not short on data. What we believe the industry is short on, though, is combining this data with context. That’s why we’ve been excited about ROSTR Tags for some time & are even more excited to roll it out to you today.


Tags are what they sound like. They’re a way for us (& soon you) to add more free-form contextual information to artists & other entities within ROSTR. While this, in & of itself, is not groundbreaking, what we’re excited about is how we can combine these tags with other elements of ROSTR + things that are happening in the real world like festival lineups, award shows, charts & more.


It’s early days for ROSTR Tags but we’re launching with a couple of hundred tags & we’ll be adding more every day. Keep reading to see how this is going to help you do your job…


Tag Directory

A very early beta version of how we hope to help you find & browse tags (which will number in the thousands soon).

You can view tags by category (e.g. Festivals) as well as sort & filter by various fields. Hit ‘Tags’ in the nav above to find it.


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Load In Compare

Discover Pro just got more powerful.

(Almost) every feature will have a button to load the data from that list in Compare.

We love the New Music Friday example. Each Friday you can jump in, load the list in Compare & dig into aspects like who’s unsigned, who’s new, which labels, agencies & MGMT Co’s represent the list.


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Tag Compare

When you load a tag in compare, every artist (or company) from that tag is loaded in our Compare tool.

From there you can use our unique filters to narrow down what you’re looking for in ways that aren’t possible anywhere else.

Pull up festival lineups, playlists, watch-lists, custom ROSTR lists & more.



Try It Out

All of the features below have the new “Load in Compare” button. Just hit the button & the tags behind each list will load in Compare.


Coming soon

  • Tags for Companies (launching very soon)

  • Tags on artist profiles

  • Saving & sharing tags with your team

  • Custom importing of your tags (private to you)

  • Better search & filtering of tags in Compare.